The religions of the ancient world. Early humans ; Shamanism ; Mesopotamia ; Egypt ; Canaan and Phoenicia ; Western Europe ; Greece and early Rome ; Persia ; India ; East Asia ; Amerindian ; Australasia and Oceania
The foundations of organized religion. Greece ; Rome ; The eastern Mediterranean and Persia ; South Asia ; East Asia ; Africa ; The Americas ; Polynesia
The rise of the major religions. Hinduism ; Buddhism ; Jainism ; Sikhism ; Daoism ; Confucianism ; Shinto ; The Abrahamic religions ; Judaism ; Christianity ; Islam
Chronology of world religions
The colonial era to the 20th century. Hinduism ; Buddhism ; Jainism ; Sikhism ; Daoism ; Confucianism ; Shinto ; Judaism ; Christianity ; Islam ; Indigenous religions
Religions of the world today. Hinduism ; Buddhism ; Jainism ; Sikhism ; Confucianism ; East Asian folk and popular religion ; Shinto ; Judaism ; Christianity ; Islam ; Bahaʼism ; Zoroastrianism ; Faith groups and communities ; New religious movements, sects, and cults ; Religion and modern societies.